3.60 What does fasting mean? Is it about food alone? Is my fasting meant to be in secret?
The liturgical year
Inspired by Jesus’ example, we fast during the 40 days of Lent. Fasting means setting aside something you like to express that your relationship with God is more important than anything else. There are many ways to do this: you can fast on food by eating less or renouncing sweets, or on time by visiting a lonely person. What really counts is your intention and attitude. Let your fasting be a genuine sacrifice, but as with everything don’t overdo it. The aim is not to make your life very difficult but to help you focus more on God.
While your fasting doesn’t need to be a complete secret, try to avoid boasting about your plans or achievements. It can be helpful to speak with a spiritual director about the best way for you to fast.
Fasting means not eating or doing something you like, so you can make space for God. You can fast on anything. Jesus tells us how your fasting is something between you and God.