DeoQuest and TweetignwithGOD


About DeoQuest

DeoQuest wants to help you find answers to your questions about life and faith by closely integrating printed books with digital media using the free app.

DeoQuest aims to help people of all generations and background see how everything is connected to God’s love for every human being, and to see the logic of the faith. We want to encourage you to find out who Jesus can be for you and invite you to ask questions, to learn more about life and the answers faith can give you.

We encourage people to visit their local parish, to become more active in their communities, and to care for the people around them.

Church in Leiden TweetingwithGOD

Formerly known as Tweeting with GOD, DeoQuest has its origin in Leiden in the Netherlands, where Father Michel Remery engaged in dialogue with young people about their questions concerning the faith. They asked their questions in person after church gatherings, but also via social media. During regular evening sessions, they discussed their questions amongst themselves and with their priest. All questions were welcome and no topic was taboo.

These young people were looking for the meaning of faith in their own lives. The meetings helped them recognise the importance of faith in their personal lives. They urged father Michel to publish the results in a bookYoung people still play a major role, suggesting content and creating interactive materialsTweeting with GOD quickly attracted international interest, which led to translations of the material into many languages.

Youth Tweeting with GOD


DeoQuest has signed a strategic partnership with the Pope’s Worldwide Prayer Network (PWPN) with the intention to help people around the world today in their personal relationship with Jesus. Projects of the PWPN include: The Pope VideoClick To PrayThe Way of the Heart.

Together with the Apostolat Militaire International, we have developed an app which is intended especially for the use of military personnel.

The teams of DeoQuest and Youcat meet up from time to time to exchange about possible ways to join forces on specific projects. Publications and social media refer mutually to each other’s projects.