1.49 When will the end of time come about?
Jesus rose from the dead at Easter, and was later taken up into heaven (Ascension). From that moment on, our task is to live good lives as Christians, and to proclaim the Gospel to the entire world.
This will continue until Jesus comes back to earth (the Second Coming). This is the “end of time”. No one knows when this will occur (Mk. 13:31-32) Mk. 13:31-32: Heaven and earth will pass away, but my words will not pass away. But of that day or that hour no one knows, not even the angels in heaven, nor the Son, but only the Father., and no one can predict it. It can happen at any time (Rev. 22:20) Rev. 22:20: He who testifies to these things says, “Surely I am coming soon.” Amen. Come, Lord Jesus!. Jesus calls all people to be watchful to ensure that we will be ready to meet him when the big moment has come.
What is the saving meaning of the Resurrection?
The Resurrection is the climax of the Incarnation. It confirms the divinity of Christ and all the things which he did and taught. It fulfills all the divine promises made for us. Furthermore the risen Christ, the conqueror of sin and death, is the principle of our justification and our Resurrection. It procures for us now the grace of filial adoption which is a real share in the life of the only begotten Son. At the end of time he will raise up our bodies. [CCCC 131]
What changed in the world as a result of the Resurrection?
Because death is now no longer the end of everything, joy and hope came into the world. Now that death “no longer has dominion” (Rom 6:9) over Jesus, it has no more power over us, either, who belong to Jesus. [Youcat 108]
[Let] us think of God’s conclusive intervention at the end of time, when he will fully establish his Kingdom. The present is the time of sowing, and the growth of the seed is assured by the Lord. Every Christian therefore knows well that he must do all he can, but that the final result depends on God. [Pope Benedict XVI, Angelus, 17 June 2012]