
DeoQuest - The ultimate hub between God and your questions 
DeoQuest is a hub, a meeting point connecting God, people and their questions, offering an interactive multimedia experience in a joint search for answers and a dynamic, ever evolving Christian lifestyle. Present both online and offline, DeoQuest intends to bring  together an international community of seekers for the truth in a safe and friendly  environment, with reference to the person of Jesus and open to the inspiration of the Holy Spirit. 

Mission - You’ve got questions, together we search for answers 
DeoQuest’s mission is to help people ask questions and search for answers in a growing relationship with Jesus Christ. We want to be modern missionaries, answering Jesus’ call on  every Christian to share his hopeful and joyful message. Working in line with Catholic teaching, using simple and clear language we offer accompaniment for a continuous  exploration of life, helping individuals and groups to navigate with God on the sometimes rough seas of life in the best possible manner. Present in the modern world and open to the  Holy Spirit, we explore every new technique to see whether it can help to realise the  DeoQuest mission. 

Vision - Faith on the go: Jesus is everywhere 
Following Jesus, we want to welcome everyone who is ready to ask, listen, think, or act on  their beliefs – and help them see how these find their origin in God. Starting where people  are at, with their questions and concerns, our desire is to form an international online  community with offline encounters where possible. It is a non-exclusive community, as this  is only one of several community circles in people’s lives. At the same time, DeoQuest  searches for a comprehensive grasp on all aspects of Christian life. Our approach is  international from the offset, seeking a truly Christian culture with participants from very  different cultural and ideological backgrounds. 

Objectives: DeoQuest wants to… 

  • help people think about their questions and discover the logic of the faith, listening  without judgement while trying to live our own lives as Christians.
  • be open to everyone, using simple and accessible language, avoiding church jargon  while adhering to the teachings of Jesus and the Catholic Church. 
  • reach as many people as possible, offline and online, offering them stepping stones to God while leaving them completely free in their decision. 
  • assist in embracing the paradox that coming home with God means continuing the  journey through life together with him, supported by our international community.
  • show that every Christian is called to be a missionary, moving from receiving to  sharing, in the first place by being a light for others through their lifestyle.
  • create resources for dialogue to grow in faith, connecting groups and individuals  online and offline through the global interactive DeoQuest multimedia experience.
  • bring together Christians from various denominations, and contribute to ecumenical  unity where we can, especially by invoking the Holy Spirit.


Church in Leiden TweetingwithGOD

DeoQuest has its origin in Leiden in the Netherlands, where Father Michel Remery engaged in dialogue with young people about their questions concerning the faith. They asked their questions in person after church gatherings, but also via digital platforms and social media. During regular evening sessions, they discussed their questions amongst themselves and with their priest. All questions were welcome and no topic was taboo.

These young people were looking for the meaning of faith in their own lives. The meetings helped them recognise the importance of faith in their personal lives. They urged Father Michel to publish the results in the book Tweeting with GOD, now Navigating with GODYoung people still play a major role, suggesting content and creating interactive materials. The DeoQuest resources quickly attracted international interest, which led to translations of the material into many languages.

Youth Tweeting with GOD


DeoQuest has signed a strategic partnership with the Pope’s Worldwide Prayer Network (PWPN) with the intention to help people around the world today in their personal relationship with Jesus. Projects of the PWPN include: The Pope VideoClick To PrayThe Way of the Heart.

Together with the Apostolat Militaire International, we have developed an app which is intended especially for the use of military personnel.

The teams of DeoQuest and Youcat have worked together at various moments to look at possible ways to join forces on specific projects. Publications and social media refer mutually to each other’s projects.