Apie „Tviteryje su DIEVU“
Tweeting with GOD wants to help you find answers to your questions about life and faith by closely integrating printed books with digital media. Have a look at the free app which links the texts in the book to more information online.
Tweeting with GOD aims to help you see how everything is connected to God’s love for every human being, and to see the logic of the faith. We want to encourage you to find out who Jesus can be for you and invite you to ask questions, to learn more about life and the answers faith can give you.
We hope to help people grow in their relationship with God, to literally start “tweeting” or posting with God in prayer. Meeting others who read the book or online materials can also help. Online, we invite people to become involved by “liking” what they see and interacting in our social media pages and profiles. We encourage people to visit their local parish, to become more active in their communities, and to care for the people around them.

Tweeting with GOD has its origin in Leiden in the Netherlands, where Father Michel Remery engaged in dialogue with young people about their questions concerning the faith. They asked their questions in person after church gatherings, but also via Twitter, Facebook and other new media. During regular evening sessions, they discussed their questions amongst themselves and with their priest. All questions were welcome and no topic was taboo.
These young people were looking for the meaning of faith in their own lives. Why should I believe in God? Is it logical to believe? The meetings helped them recognise the importance of faith in their personal lives. They urged father Michel to publish the results in two consecutive books entitled ‘Tweeting with GOD 1 & 2’. These separate books were later combined into a single volume because all questions are related to each other. The young people would play a major role in this phase as well as later, suggesting and creating interactive materials. Tweeting with GOD quickly attracted international interest, which led to translations of the books into many languages.
Target groups
Tweeting with GOD offers support to people who want to grow in their faith and their relationship with Jesus. It gives them a basic understanding of faith in God, based on what the Bible and the Church say about these matters.
People of all ages have indicated that Tweeting with GOD helped them very much. It is well suited to support an individual process of deepening the faith, precisely because of the combination of a book, an app, online content, and social media. It provides everything a person needs to learn about and reflect on the faith, alone or with others.
The book and the online resources can be used by a wide range of target groups, including:
- Those who wish to deepen their knowledge of the faith.
- Those who need to explain their faith. When faced with questions you cannot answer, Tweeting with GOD can give you ideas for continuing the conversation.
- High school students. Offer accessible religious education in secondary schools with our program.
- Confirmation, RCIA or Marriage candidates. A complete program in preparation for receiving the sacraments is available.
- Those who work with young people. Be ready to search together for answers to questions.
- Faith reflection groups for young people, teens, or adults. Find a full program for discussion meetings together with tips for the moderator.
- Ongoing catechesis in parishes. Find a basis for ongoing catechesis for any age group.
- Further (self-)study after an introductory course about the faith. For those who wish to deepen their knowledge of different aspects of the faith.
- Parents and godparents of growing children. Help to prepare good answers to the many questions of your children.
We need you! Join us and support our work!
Join us in prayer for Tweeting with GOD and all connected initiatives like Online with Saints, as well as for father Michel Remery. Your prayer is very much needed. Here are our prayer intentions.
Join our online community of volunteers and share your faith with others. If you have some free time and want to be part of our online international team, join us now!
You can help us tremendously by making a financial contribution. Your donation will be fully used for the evangelisation initiatives of Father Michel and the team of Tweeting with GOD.