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7.20 How to pass on my faith to my (future) children? How can God be part of my parenthood?

Mission - #OnlineSaints

Passing on your faith always starts by living it wholeheartedly yourself. Your example is essential. Your prayer with the children can be almost casual, as it is part of daily life. Faith in Jesus is not a theory, but embraces all parts of life. If you realise this, you will be a great parent!

Luigi and Maria loved both God and their children. This was visible in all they did, and that will be the main reason why their children embraced the faith with joy. Luigi and Maria showed how natural it is to live with Jesus, and reflected his love in their lives. Do you want to live like that?

For more on these saints, scan the picture with the app Online with Saints or click:

Blessed Luigi Quattrocchi

Blessed Maria Quattrocchi-Corsini

It all starts with your personal faith: above all it is your passion for Jesus in everything that makes you an inspiring parent for your children – not just your obedience to the rules.