4.7 Do Christians live differently from everybody else?
The central task of every Christian is to love God and his neighbour. Of course, non-Christians can also do really good deeds.
The major difference between Christians and non-Christians is that we are baptised, and therefore belong to Jesus. We can demonstrate this difference by the way we live our lives: based on faith and trust in God. Wherever necessary, Christians also do their best to help others to live better lives.
What are the “corporal works of mercy”?
To feed the hungry, give drink to the thirsty, clothe the naked, shelter the homeless, visit the sick and the imprisoned, and bury the dead. [Youcat 450]
What are the “spiritual works of mercy”?
The spiritual works of mercy are: to instruct the ignorant, to counsel the doubtful, comfort the sorrowful, admonish the sinner, bear wrongs patiently, forgive all injuries, and pray for the living and the dead. [Youcat 451]
Bear witness to Jesus with your courageous faith and your innocence. It is no use complaining of' the wickedness of the times. As St Paul wrote, we must overcome evil by doing good (Rom 12:21). The world esteems and respects the courage of ideas and the strength of virtues. Do not be afraid to refuse words, acts, and attitudes which are not in conformity with Christian ideals. Be courageous in rejecting what destroys your innocence or wilts the freshness of your love for Christ. [Pope John Paul II, Address to Italian youth, 8 Nov. 1978]