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8.20 How can I trust in God? And how can I trust the Church with all those scandals?

Doubt - #OnlineSaints

If there is one person who is always trustworthy, it is God. But even if you recognise his great love for you, it can be a challenge to completely hand over your freedom and start living only for his Will. You may be certain, however, that this will bring you deep and lasting joy

Sadly, sin is a reality, and even Christians behave very badly at times. Sister Mary had to suffer greatly under the misconduct of certain men in the Church. But she realised that the Church is not just a community of sinful people, but also the body of Jesus himself. Her great faith helped her to continue to trust God and the Church, even during her great tribulations. She never gave up fighting injustice, and we should do the same!

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Saint Mary MacKillop

Trusting God means crying out to him, and realising that he is present now. Jesus himself is the foundation of the Church, which is why people cannot bring it down.