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2.16 Gesù era contro le donne?

Gesù, gli apostoli e il papa

Le donne giocarono un ruolo importante nella vita terrena di Gesù. Nacque dalla Vergine Maria e dopo la resurrezione apparve per primo alle sue discepole donne. Con il suo accostarsi alle donne rispettoso e aperto, ignorò in parte le norme sociali prevalenti al tempo in cui visse sulla terra.

Uomini e donne hanno ugual valore per Gesù e per la Chiesa. Allo stesso tempo è chiaro che non sono identici; ogni sesso ha ricevuto compiti differenti da Dio. È bello vedere come uomini e donne si completano a vicenda. Allo stesso tempo è importante sottolineare il principio che essi sono sempre uguali.


Gesù dava grande valore alle donne. Donne e uomini hanno ugual valore agli occhi di Dio, che dà loro vocazioni diverse ma complementari.
The Wisdom of the Church

What responsibility do human persons have in regard to their own sexual identity?

God has created human beings as male and female, equal in personal dignity, and has called them to a vocation of love and of communion. Everyone should accept his or her identity as male or female, recognizing its importance for the whole of the person, its specificity and complementarity. [CCCC 487]

Is there a priority of one sex over the other?

No. God endowed men and women with identical dignity as persons.

Both men and women are human beings created in God’s image and children of God redeemed by Jesus Christ. It is just as unchristian as it is inhumane to discriminate unjustly against someone because he is male or female. Equal dignity and equal rights, nevertheless, do not mean uniformity. The sort of egalitarianism that ignores the specific character of a man or a woman contradicts God’s plan of creation. [Youcat 401]

This is what the Popes say

The Gospel contains an ever relevant message which goes back to the attitude of Jesus Christ himself. Transcending the established norms of his own culture, Jesus treated women with openness, respect, acceptance and tenderness. In this way he honoured the dignity which women have always possessed according to God's plan and in his love. [Pope John Paul II, Letter to women, 29 June 1995, n. 3]