DeoQuest and TweetignwithGOD


DeoQuest: connecting you, faith, and modern life questions


"God has called you by your name (Is 43:1). Usually we receive our name from our parents. Our team came up with the name DeoQuest to describe all our related initiatives. In the past few months, it has slowly become more natural to use the name DeoQuest, which we are gradually introducing to all our resources, both online and offline." (Father Michel Remery, Director)


You’ve got questions, together we search for answers.


Starting where people are at, with their questions and concerns, together we can search for answers in a growing relationship with Jesus Christ. We started with the vision of Father Michel Remery and the enthusiasm of young people seeking answers. What began as 'Tweeting with GOD' and connected initiatives has gradually evolved into a community. Discover DeoQuest: the brand name that unites all our initiatives.

In our search to understand the faith, we became a global community where everyone is welcome to ask, listen, think, and act. Our desire is to be modern missionaries, answering Jesus’ call on every Christian to share his hopeful and joyful message in today's world, whether online or offline.

DeoQuest is a hub, a meeting point connecting God, people and their questions, offering an interactive multimedia experience in a joint search for answers and an ever-new lifestyle.

From printed materials to digital apps, we offer resources grounded in the teachings of Jesus and the wisdom of the Church. With books in 30 language editions and mobile apps, we continue to bring faith to life, making it accessible and engaging for individuals and groups all around the world.

As Christians, we strive to view the world through the light of the Gospel and the teachings of Jesus. This is a new chapter in our journey.

Join us in our search for truth and faith.
