DeoQuest and TweetignwithGOD


Missionary disciples

Share the joy of the Gospel!

You are called to live your life in such a way that you give witness

of your faith in all you do and say. Let every act of charity be a testimony of faith - simply by giving evidence of the hope and the faith that is in you. Obviously, all people are free to accept or not the message of the Gospel, but all should have a chance to know that message. We cannot leave the important task of evangelisation only to a chosen few: all faithful around the world are called to become missionary disciples. You may have many questions about this. During the October month we suggest you read one related question every day:

Question of the day

4.17 How does one become a saint?

Saints are people who were open to God in a special way during their lives. Because they were declared a saint (canonised) by the Church after their death, it is clear to all that they are in heaven, and pray...