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7.8 Why should anyone wish to give up their career and live only for God?

God’s Will - #OnlineSaints

For some of us, our career is everything. We build up our life’s path carefully, week after week, in order to attain something greater. We are then ready to give up almost everything else to attain that one dream. Our focus can be on climbing up as high as possible in a hierarchy, but can just as well involve being a perfect mother or teacher, for example.

Pursuing a career can be a great stimulus for realising your life, so why would you want to give up your dream? Aloysius Gonzaga was a very successful lawyer with contacts in high places. But eventually he realised that his love for God was even more important than all that. He loved his career, but loved God more, and only wanted to do his Will. Aloysius discerned that God was calling him to become a priest. Do you love God above everything else?

For more on this saint, scan the picture with the app Online with Saints or click:

Saint Aloysius Gonzaga

Everyone has a different vocation. To find God’s Will for you it is important to be ready to give up everything, even though he may not ask you to do so.