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8.13 Many saints prayed in front of the tabernacle: how is that different from other ways of praying?

Sacraments - #OnlineSaints

In the Eucharist, Jesus offers us his own Body, so that he can stay very close to us. We preserve his Body in the tabernacle in church. The tiny light next to it indicates Jesus’ living presence. Here you can come to pray in his presence!

The two popes John XXIII and Paul VI carried a great responsibility. They needed lots of help for their difficult tasks. The first place where they went to find this help was in the chapel. Like young Carlo Acutis, they spent hours with Jesus, in front of the blessed Sacrament in the tabernacle. Do you want to pray in this way?

For more on these saints, scan the picture with the app Online with Saints or click:

Saint John XXIII

Saint Paul VI

The tabernacle contains Jesus’ body as given to us in the Eucharist. Here, Jesus is present very concretely, desiring to share his love with you. You cannot come closer to him on earth.