4.2 Was soll ich mit meinem Leben tun?
In einer Zeit in der Burn-Out und Depressionen nicht selten sind, ist das eine sehr wichtige Frage. Die Antwort darauf ist eigentlich ganz einfach: das Ziel als Mensch ist es glücklich zu sein.
Der Weg zum wahren Glück kann nur in Jesus gefunden werden: Er sagte über sich selbst, dass Er der Weg ist (Joh 14:6)Joh 14:6: Jesus spricht zu ihm: Ich bin der Weg und die Wahrheit und das Leben; niemand kommt zum Vater denn durch mich. . Wenn du unendliches Glück finden möchtest, musst du in deine Beziehung mit Gott investieren. Du findest dieses Glück, da dir Gott in deinem Leben helfen wird herauszufinden, was du tun sollst.
What is the relationship between the beatitudes and our desire for happiness?
The beatitudes respond to the innate desire for happiness that God has placed in the human heart in order to draw us to himself. God alone can satisfy this desire. [CCCC 361]
Why do we yearn for happiness?
God has placed in our hearts such an infinite desire for happiness that nothing can satisfy it but God himself. All earthly fulfillment gives us only a foretaste of eternal happiness. Above and beyond that, we should be drawn to God. [Youcat 281]
What is freedom and what is it for?
Freedom is the God-given power to be able to act of one’s own accord; a person who is free no longer acts under the influence of someone else.
God created us as free men and wills our freedom so that we might decide wholeheartedly in favor of the good, indeed for the greatest “good”—in other words, for God. The more we do what is good, the freer we become. [Youcat 286]
We, having been called through his Will in Christ Jesus are not justified by ourselves, or by our wisdom or understanding or piety or the works we have done in holiness of heart, but through the faith, by which the almighty God has justified all men from the beginning; to whom be glory for all ages. Amen. What, then, shall we do, brothers? Shall we slacken from doing good and abandon charity? May the Lord never allow this to happen to us, but let us be diligent to accomplish every good work (Tit. 3:1) with earnestness and zeal. [St. Clement of Rome, Letter to the Corinthians, Chap. 32:4 (MG 1, 272)]